
How to Securely Store (& Share) Bank Imaging Policies & Procedures

A well-crafted bank document imaging policy is a key component of any successful document management strategy. Imaging procedures, which support the ongoing adherence to the policy, are equally vital for ensuring compliance, quality control, and operational efficiency. To maximize employee buy-in and increase organizational transparency, forward-thinking banks and credit unions implement solutions that enable secure, electronic sharing of internal policies and procedures. In this article, we’ll share tips for increasing the accessibility of your institution's imaging policies and procedures, and, in turn, increasing the success of your document management program.

The Chaos of Policy Binders

“I think you’re using an outdated procedure. Make sure your branch’s policy binder is up to date.” Sound familiar? Using three-ring binders to manage your bank or credit union’s policies and procedures is a maddening process - especially if you have more than a few branches. Each time something changes, someone from the central office must disseminate the new documentation, follow up multiple times, and verify each branch’s binder is up to date. It’s a time-intensive process that creates distractions for everyone involved, especially for employees at your branches. Even when everyone appears to be operating from the same handbook, you still have these issues to battle:

Accessibility Issues: Paper documents can’t be in more than one place at a time. So, when an auditor or examiner is on-site and asks to see your bank imaging policy, no one else at that location can reference it. (At least, without bothering the auditor or examiner!)

Control Issues: You can keep sensitive policies and procedures under lock and key when they’re not in use. However, the moment a policy binder is in use, the risk for unauthorized access dramatically increases.

Risk of Information Loss: Paper documents can be misplaced, damaged, or lost entirely. As you scale your operation and hire additional employees, the risk of information loss grows accordingly.

How to Increase Accessibility & Security

AccuDoc is an electronic document repository that offers a secure and scalable alternative to hard copy policy binders. AccuDoc’s modular approach delivers a centralized, searchable database of your bank or credit union’s policies and procedures. Each department can have its own section of the module, which accelerates the management of internal documentation.

Easily categorize your documents into logical groups for one-click filtering. Popular groupings include:

  • Policies
  • Procedures
  • Regulations
  • Information
  • Forms

Users with proper permission can view or edit existing documents and upload or scan new documents. For example, scanning in loan imaging procedures might look like this:


To maintain proper control, AccuDoc allows your bank or credit union to define and manage user permissions. Each user can be given varying levels of access (admin, scanner, reader, etc.) for each AccuDoc module, providing the right mix of accessibility and control.


AccuDoc User Permissions

And, since AccuDoc is hosted on your institution’s own servers, you can be confident that important internal documents are always secure and backed up.

Get a Free Demo of AccuDoc

Does your bank or credit union need a more streamlined approach to managing its imaging policy and procedures? Ready to move beyond three-ring binders and paper documents? Perhaps it’s time to schedule a free demo of AccuDoc.

Get started today

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